Jochen Hoenicke

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Welcome to my home page

I am a Formal Verification Wizard at Certora, where I work on proving correctness of smart constracts and developing the underlying methodology.

Previously, I worked as a Research Scientist and Teaching Assistent in the Software Engineering group of Andreas Podelski at the University of Freiburg. The main research direction included SMT solving, Craig Interpolation and Software Model Checking. I am the creator of the SMT-solver SMTInterpol.

I also worked as a freelancer for SatoshiLabs better known as the company that created the Trezor hardware wallet for cryptocurrencies.

I did my PhD at the University of Oldenburg in the group of Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog on specification languages for real-time systems.

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Work Address

work address
Dr. Jochen Hoenicke
c/o coworking-freiburg
Kaiser-Joseph-Str. 254
79098 Freiburg
hoenicke at gmail dot com
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Curriculum Vitae

Master in Computer Science (Informatik-Diplom) at the University of Oldenburg
10/99 – 9/06
Research Assistant in the Correct System Design group at University of Oldenburg
10/06 – 10/22
Postdoc at the Chair of Software Engineering, University of Freiburg
since 11/22
Senior Researcher at Certora